
Hello user, we welcome you to our site.

Here you can earn Bits and pay them out to faucethub, or you can promote your sites or referral links with PTC ADS and banner ads.  


Our philosophy is to be an unstressful faucet and earning site where you can easily claim your bits, and promote or click ads for fair prices and rewards.  We will not keep much for promotion spendings, as we believe in crypto and Bitcoin, so we want to spread it with this site. 

We pay lower faucet rewards than average, but therefor we do everything to pay every user in time and make the service as smooth as possible.  
In case we get in trouble with cashflow one day the minimum payout amounts are set to 1 Bit, so everyone can withdraw his funds in time. This will be  done before bankruptcy, what we hope, won't happen. 

We start with very low PTC prices for and very low fees as we think everyone has to decide for himself if he clicks low budget ads, but therefor the displaying time is also very low.  because TIME: is the most valuable thing a human posseses, so we don't believe it makes so much sense to wait for long timers. Because of that most of our offers are cheap to buy and have low timers.   It's a chance for advertisers and clickers. 

You also can buy banner ads. The pricesof the banner ads will be updated regularly.  We calculate the pices as follows:
Nr. of daily clicks on the site =  Nr of satoshis to pay per day.  As the number of users may vary the prices cannot be updated in time, but will be updated as often as possible 

We are not a big fan of shortlinks because most of the shorltlinks aren't smooth links and a lot of them contain pornads which we don't want to display here.  So we start without shortlinks, but if we find serious Bitcoin paying shortlinks services that are safe for work and are trusted we may add those in the future.   

You can promote any kind of site, vlogs, services as long as they don't contain nudity, violence, hatespeech, or are fake sites that want to scam users. (no bitcoin doubler, no ponzi schemes and other services like that)   
If you try to promote those kind of sites your accont will be banned, and the ad will be deleted, and your funds will be distributed to useres via the faucet.  Don't say we did not tell you. This is an explicit warning not to do so!  



If you try to use any kind of bot or cheat the system in anyway you will be permanently banned and your funds will not be paid!  

using bots means scamming the whole community.  The adverstisers that have paid for the ads,  the other users that had no chance to see the ad and to earn,  The site owner while stealing funds.  This will not be tolerated!   JUST DON't TRY IT-  YOU WILL BE FOUND AND BANNED!

deposits and withdrawals can only be done via faucethub


WE KEEP AVOIDING POPUPS-  ANNOYING SHORTLINKS - PORN ADS and other unwanted or time consuming activity.  We want to provide smart and cheap advertising. If you use the advertisement features you also help to spread crypto.  


you accept that faucet rewards , referral comission percentage and other values can be changed according to the needs of the faucet owner.  We do our best to pay in time, In case there is suspicious activity we might freeze payouts for some days to make further investigation. Anyone that sticks to the rules will not have any problems.

We might send you a message via faucet site in order to explain suspicious behavior.  You then have the possibility  to explain the issue via discord channel. 

btw cheating is for kids - if you can create strategies to cheat, why don't you use your brain to create strategies to create a business and win instead.        

we are not responsible for the content of the ads added by users or that come from the ad networks. If we are aware of illegal content we will take it down immediately
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU CLICK ON and make some serious research before acting


Views: 40,965 | Comments: 2 | Date: 08 Oct 2019 15:07